Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Women And Alcohol

Many dates have turned to be a nightmare for many women due to excessive consumption of alcohol. Men may use alcohol as a 'date rape' drug to exploit women. Women and alcohol are inseparable since women are more prone to alcohol addiction. Once a woman gets used to the "high-feeling" of a beer, she wants to be in that excited state all the time so they end up drinking too much too often. Young women are more vulnerable since they are preyed by most men. Alcohol increases their chances of being raped or being sexually assaulted. Women who are more likely to be attacked are the ones who have exceeded the drinking threshold by far. Many people have the opinion that men use other drugs to assault women sexually but in many cases alcohol is the solo 'date-rape' drug.

The association between women and alcohol is real. This is because alcohol is confirmed to be a major contributor to women's vulnerability to sexual abuse and acquaintance rape in social situations. Other drugs are also used to spike drinks but their contribution to sexual assault is comparatively minimal. In some cases the recreational drugs found in drinks are consumed at will. Women's binge drinking put them in an excited state of mind and their valid consent to engage in sex is questionable. The capacity to give a well informed consent at these sky rocketing levels of alcohol consumption cannot be trusted. Alcohol impairs the thinking capacity of a woman and she can agree to anything unconsciously. Many women wake up to witness horrifying news of the night before. Alcohol loosens a woman's morals and demotes her level of integrity. Personal values are highly interfered with.

In many cases of alleged sexual assault alcohol is mostly involved. Matters are worsened by the fact that many people have a perception of alcohol as an aphrodisiac. There is an intimate relationship between sex, women and alcohol in our society. Alcohol is perceived to be courage in a bottle or as many people put it "liquid courage." No wonder men who are out to have sex with new partners always prefer meeting the new catch in a boozing joint. Much as alcohol puts people in a loosened, relaxed mood to 'have fun', it has a negative and complicated sexual consequences. To avoid being a victim to rape or any sexual assault, avoid mixing different alcoholic drinks in a single sitting. Take one type of a drink at a time and save others for another day. Another big contribution to vulnerability is tendency to mix substances such as recreational and medication drugs with alcohol. This should be avoided.

Much of the research carried out on the effects of alcohol tend to lean more on physiological rather than social aspects. This has played a major role in the existing poor awareness of long term social sexual effects in our culture. Women who are married to alcohol are observed to have major difficulties maintaining a long term and serious relationships. They are mostly depressed and live in social isolation when they are not drinking. When trying to understand the relationship between women and alcohol, do not generalize the study because the sexual effect of alcohol on women is different from its sexual effects on men. Expectancy sexual effects of alcohol lead to the aroused behavior in most cases. Physical effects are present since the person taking alcohol anticipated them. You can still have the same results of excitement if you learn some self improvement skills.

Automated Security Cameras

The movie "The Minority Report" is set in a future where crimes can be detected before they happen and people are arrested and charged for acts they intended to commit. Tom Cruise heads up the Pre Crime unit that is powered by psychic beings whose dreams of the future can detect murderous intent, however predicting crime before it happens may not require such a far fetched premise.

Some would argue that security cameras do not prevent crime they only assist with catching the individuals who conducted those criminal activities. While they do provide invaluable information about perpetrators the police can use to quickly apprehend suspects, new technologies combined with a stronger understanding of social behavior are quickly changing these assumptions about security. Automated security systems can prevent a crime before it even happens by recognizing threats before they have a chance to act.

An automated security system combines intelligent cameras with advanced database analysis software. These new intelligent surveillance cameras can automate and streamline security tasks. Smart cameras can track targets as well as make decisions on which targets to watch. These innovative security cameras can key in on individuals and recognize faces and objects the person is carrying. Data can be stored and cross referenced with police databases, hotel registrations, or any other pertinent data to determine the threat level of any given person. As data is collected over time the system is begins to understand how specific people behave. This allows control centers to better monitor a site by requiring fewer agents to monitor more cameras. Utilizing behavioral analysis algorithms the system can notify security monitoring personnel of any suspicious activity.

These systems are astonishingly accurate. One social experiment conducted at MIT, The Reality Mining Project, utilized hundreds of thousands of hours of proximity data collected by tracking mobile phones over a period of nine months. Researchers were then able to create algorithms that could predict a person's next actions accurately over 85% of the time. The program was also able to determine social status and relationships. Tracking individuals as they move through their day from home to work and other key locations the program could create a list of their friends and acquaintances and be right 90% of the time.

How does this work practically speaking? Here is one example. A serious threat, such as a terrorist, is likely to conduct their own surveillance of the site before carrying out an attack. The system could track individuals as they move through the site and recognize surveillance types of behavior. The system would then alert monitoring agents to pay closer attention to them. A snapshot of the target could be used to determine identity and various databases could be cross referenced for any pertinent information about the suspect. They can then direct security teams on how to position themselves to deal with the threat in a moment's notice should the need arise.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Save environment

Many of us want to be responsible citizens of the Earth. We think about the effects our lifestyles have on the environment. We are concerned about global warming. We want to ensure our children's future on this planet is one that still has clean air to breathe, an abundance of trees and wildlife, and clean water to drink. However, many of us also think that the sacrifices might be too great to "go green" in our own office. Good news. It's not as difficult as you think.

There are 3 areas where you can make a significant impact without significant expense or inconvenience: paper, lights, and electronics.

The average American office worker throws out about 150 pounds of paper per year. Paper manufacturing contributes to the deforestation of the planet and in America is responsible for 35 million tons of CO2 a year. So what can you do? Buy recycled paper. Make full use of that paper by printing on both sides and/or using paper that is only printed on one side for scratch paper. Do your proofreading and edits on your computer before printing to reduce the number of prints you make. Re-use file folders by placing new labels over the old ones. All of these changes are easy to make but have a big impact. Pretty painless, right?

Another way you can go green in your office is as easy as changing a light bulb. In fact, it is changing a light bulb. Incandescent bulbs use 4 times more energy than is necessary to produce light. Halogen lights can get as hot as 1,100 degrees Fahrenheit. That's hot enough to cook an egg! Alternately, Energy Star certified compact fluorescent lights (CFL's) use 75% less energy to produce the same amount of light, last 10 times longer and produce less heat. If you feel like you need even more reason to switch to CFL's, consider that you will also save money over the lifetime of the bulb. Once you have made the switch to energy efficient bulbs, make sure lights are turned off when they are not needed. A great way to ensure that this happens is with motion sensors that will turn the lights off when everyone has left the room.

38% of all of the carbon dioxide emissions come from the electricity we generate. That electricity is used to power all sorts of things. A major drain on our electricity is all of our office equipment such as computers, copiers, printers, and fax machines. When going green with your electronics, you need to look at 3 factors. You need to consider the waste that is created in the manufacturing of the products, the effects on the environment when you use the products, and the waste that is created when you are done with the products. That may seem like a lot to think about but if you follow these simple guidelines, you will be able to minimize the negative impact your office equipment has on the environment.

The manufacturing of electronics uses a lot of resources including electricity, raw materials, and water. Electronics also account for billions of pounds of municipal waste each year. Just a few of the contaminants that electronics create are toxic heavy metals, lead, PCB's, mercury, and various acids. To lessen your office's affect on the number of new pieces of equipment that are manufactured, as well as end up in land fills, buy all-in-one machines that combine multiple functions into one. Whenever possible, get rid of machines completely by using services such as Internet fax. With an Internet fax service you get rid of the fax machine completely, as well as reduce the amount of paper and ink that gets consumed. Another way to decrease waste is to recycle machines that are no longer working and donate those that do to charities where they will stay in use.

25% of the total electricity used by all commercial buildings in the US is consumed by office buildings. When buying any new office equipment, look for Energy Star certified machines. This will make a huge difference in the amount of electricity that is used to run your office. For example, an Energy Star certified computer is going to be 52% more efficient than a standard one. Laptops also use a lot less energy than desktops, so consider whether this is a viable option for your office. Energy efficient machines are also going to have stand by options that will power down or go into sleep mode to conserve energy when not in use. Once the office is closing for the day, make sure that all equipment is powered off.

Taking these steps will get you on your way to going green in your office. And as I promised, they will help you make a significant impact without significant cost or inconvenience to you and your employees. And you thought going green was going to be hard.

Five Steps to Getting Rid of Mold

Molds are microscopic organisms (fungi) that can grow on almost any surface including wood, hay, paper, carpet, winter insulation, concrete and potted house plants. It can even grow in the duct work of your home, office or school. Most molds are not harmful; however, toxic black mold is highly toxic.

Studies show that mold is linked to serious health issues such as allergies, cancer, asthma, respiratory and sinus infections, headache, rashes, aches and Fibromyalgia. Stachybotrys mold can cause fatal pulmonary disorders.

The higher the mold count in an environment and the longer your exposure, the more serious the issues can be. If you notice any of the following conditions in your environment, you may be at risk.

* Carpet or padding in direct contact with concrete slab
* Cracks in shower tile or caulking, loose toilet seal, leaks under sink
* Damp basement or crawl space
* Discoloration or black spots on walls or wallpaper.
* Musty/ moldy odor
* Poorly maintained or dirty air conditioning/heating vents and filters
* Water marks on walls

Here is how to get rid of mold.

Step 1 - Find out what types and levels of mold you have. Test Kits are available at most home centers, hardware stores, pharmacy chains, supermarkets, and online. By placing Petri dishes from the kit in locations where you suspect mold, a sample can be obtained and mailed to a lab for analysis to identify the exact count and type of mold present. Mold spores can be stirred up or released by vacuuming, walking on a carpet or sitting on a sofa where mold is present. Therefore, you should wear rubber gloves and a facemask, when touching anything you suspect could be black mold.

Step 2 - Remove the source of mold. Moisture is the main cause of mold growth. Repair any water leaks in the roof, walls or basement. Caulk your shower or any place where moisture could get behind walls or in floors. Seal your basement or foundation slab with a deep penetration concrete sealer. Painting the surface will not stop mold from growing back. Reduce humidity in your home by using a dehumidifier. There is a product called DampRid that removes excess moisture from air and prevents mildew, mold and musty odors. Great for closets.

Step 3 - Chlorine bleach will only temporarily remove mold. Use a fungicide cleaner to remove mold from surfaces. Clean your refrigerator inside, outside and underneath, including gaskets, coils, and evaporator tray. Remember to protect your lungs, nasal passages and skin during this process.

Step 4 - Install an air purifier in your environment. Have your HVAC system and duct work cleaned by a professional.

Step 5 -Prevent mold by not storing wood, cloth, paper or other porous material in your basement or underneath your house.

Following these steps can reduce the incident of household mold and fungi and provide you and your family with a healthier environment.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Home For Sale By Owners

Homes for sale by owner are really appealing to many people who are in the market for a new house. There are some benefits to working directly with the homeowner but there are also some drawbacks to consider as well. After balancing the pros and cons you might find that homes for sale by owner are the right choice for your family.

The major drawback to buying homes directly from the owner is that you might be getting more than you bargained for. You have to make sure that inspections are up to date and you also have to read the fine print when it comes to the contract. These details are not commonly addressed in homes for sale by owner.

However, my husband and I found that financing was a cinch when working directly with the homeowner. We found an adorable little house with a for sale sign sitting in the front yard. I fell in love with the place but we were afraid that homes for sale by owner were not really the best option considering how much money we would need.

The down payment was negotiable and we were comfortable with the homeowner’s asking price. We also opted to use the same mortgage company as the owner. This made the financing process really easy. The closing took a grand total of 25 minutes. We were really happy that we opted to consider homes for sale by owner.

Others don’t have the same experience. After hearing about how well things went for us, one of our friends looked into homes for sale by owner in his area. He had difficulty finding places that weren’t connected with a company. There were plenty of houses for sale but only ones through real estate agencies.

Once he did find a couple homes for sale by owner he went to work making appointments to see them. This wasn’t simple because many of the homeowners were busy while he was off work. Scheduling a good time was a real challenge and when he did get an appointment he usually didn’t like what he saw.

That was until he started looking online for homes for sale by owner options. There were tons of great houses and beautiful property showcased on the Internet. He also had trouble finding a place close to his community but it was only a matter of time before he did.

Anyone interested in purchasing a house has lots of options. Finding homes for sale by owner opportunities might seem difficult but it really isn’t if you start with your computer.

Looking For Office Space To Rent

About two years ago I bought my own home business. My intent was to be able to work from home using the telephone and internet. This business is now doing very well and as a result I have needed to have more merchandise on hand than my home office can accommodate. As a result I started looking for office space to rent.

We live on a lake in a resort area. There are three small towns within ten miles of our home. The largest city is thirty four miles. In the small town closest to us there was office space to rent, however the most affordable space was on an upper level of an office building and the only access was a flight of steps. I knew that it would be difficult for some of my clients to get to the office, and it would also be difficult for the delivery people. The next small town which is six miles from our home had office space to rent in two different buildings. One building was newly built so the space could be custom built to my needs. It was a nice space; however I had not planned on spending the amount of money that this rental would cost. The other office space to rent was next to a convenience store. The entrance was in an alley way. The space was the right size and the alley entrance would be great for deliveries. The main purpose was for storage rather than foot traffic or retail sale, so I thought this would be a good location. I was told that the person that owned the office space to rent would be out of town until the next week. I left my name and telephone number with the person that had showed me the office space to rent.

On my way home I stopped at a neighbor’s house to visit. I explained that I had been looking for office space to rent because of my growing inventory. She suggested using the neighbor’s garage next door to my house. The house next door is used only once or twice a month as a lake cabin. The previous owner had a heated workshop area in part of the garage. The new owners do not use this area. I called the owners and explained what I needed in regards to space. They said that if I wanted to pay for the electric and heating costs I could use the space. This was a perfect solution to my needs. The space was accessible for deliveries and storage. I did not have to drive to a different location to access my inventory and my out of pocket expenses are very minimal.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Secured Home And Business

The non-technical person will always be overwhelmed with a lot of information and choices when buying a security camera. Here's a rundown on the different security cameras before you rush to get a set for your home and business.

Is your home and business secure?

Home and business owners need to know what is going on. Inside their homes or business establishments, they'll want to know if everybody is doing their job. Is the nanny minding the baby? Is the bartender giving free drinks? Is everything running smoothly? Also they want to know who is at the door or entering their property and who are leaving and entering the bar, shop, or restaurant. They need answers to these nagging questions.

For these needs, they'll have to get the right security cameras to complement their home and business surveillance systems. Investment wise, it pays to know what you're getting.

For both home and office, you will need those smart security cameras at all doors, gates, and other access areas. Every house or business need that security of knowing what's going on inside and outside the home or office.

Security Cameras and Their Different functions

For all entry ways, get the security cameras that have high resolution for good face shots. If you're shopping for security cameras, take note of the following:

Wide Angle Cameras for Larger Spaces

Inside your shop or bar, you need a camera for interior surveillance. A wide angle camera will record wider areas, which is important to keep close watch over everything.

Opt for color cameras because these will show more detail, such as color of hair and clothes worn by the subject. Combined with the face shot, your details are excellent.

Bullet and Dome Security Cameras

Both types can be used outdoors and indoors. These are also available in black and white (B&W) or color. Color cameras are a bit expensive, so if budget is tight, get the B&W.

Having these B&W security cameras is better than agonizing each day about your home and office security. At least, B&W cameras have higher resolutions in lower light. Meaning they can see better in areas with less light. For a dimly-lit bar, this is ideal.

Pan-Tilt Zoom Cameras

A pan-tilt camera has the flexibility to see around your surveillance area. You can pan the entire section, look up and down, and zoom in on anything that catches your attention. Everything within the seeing scope of the lens will be captured. You can also set these cameras on manual or automatic or on both modes.

On automatic mode, the camera can follow the set hundreds of points. The duration the camera focuses on a given set point can be regulated. Find out the variances of the zooms of the different models before deciding on your pan tilt security cameras.

Other Types of Security Cameras

If you wish to frighten off interlopers, fool them with fake surveillance cameras. You can also outwit snoops with covert spy cameras, just like in the James Bond movies. Other choices are the wireless cameras and night vision cameras for indoor and outdoor uses.

Organising Your Home And Office

If your office desk is in disarray and you can seldom find what you need, it is time to set up a system that works for you. These easy office organizing tips are just the first steps to achieving a functional office.

Choose a Filing System

Choosing and setting up a filing system are key ingredients to organizing your home office. One good way to start this process is by visiting an office supply store. There you will find a variety of components to use in your filing system. Filing cabinets which can be found in various sizes to fit most office spaces are the cornerstone to a good filing system. However, there are clear plastic containers, stacking baskets and plastic crates that also work very well to hold files, notebooks and other office paper.

Use In/Out Baskets

As you are opening your mail, put papers that require immediate attention in your in basket. The out basket is used for outgoing mail or for papers and documents that are to be filed. In/out baskets may be stacking baskets that sit on your desk or baskets that are mounted on the wall that free up the top of your desk. A container that is divided into two pockets and holds papers vertically rather than horizontally is also very functional.

Go Digital

One of the best ways to minimize paper is by storing information online. Your address book, bill paying, to-do lists, checkbook, and tax information are just a sampling of the many things you can store on your computer. Make sure you keep a backup of all your information in a safe place.

Make a rule that at the end of each day you will clear off your desk by putting papers in your in/out baskets or filing them in your file cabinet or other filing system so they are readily accessible.

To help keep your home organized, download a free copy of the ebook "The Essential Guide to Organizing Your Home". Download it free here: Organizing Tips.

Lynn Cressy has a love for decorating and shopping for home decor. She has a home decor web site and writes articles on home decorating and organizing your home and your life.