Many dates have turned to be a nightmare for many women due to excessive consumption of alcohol. Men may use alcohol as a 'date rape' drug to exploit women. Women and alcohol are inseparable since women are more prone to alcohol addiction. Once a woman gets used to the "high-feeling" of a beer, she wants to be in that excited state all the time so they end up drinking too much too often. Young women are more vulnerable since they are preyed by most men. Alcohol increases their chances of being raped or being sexually assaulted. Women who are more likely to be attacked are the ones who have exceeded the drinking threshold by far. Many people have the opinion that men use other drugs to assault women sexually but in many cases alcohol is the solo 'date-rape' drug.
The association between women and alcohol is real. This is because alcohol is confirmed to be a major contributor to women's vulnerability to sexual abuse and acquaintance rape in social situations. Other drugs are also used to spike drinks but their contribution to sexual assault is comparatively minimal. In some cases the recreational drugs found in drinks are consumed at will. Women's binge drinking put them in an excited state of mind and their valid consent to engage in sex is questionable. The capacity to give a well informed consent at these sky rocketing levels of alcohol consumption cannot be trusted. Alcohol impairs the thinking capacity of a woman and she can agree to anything unconsciously. Many women wake up to witness horrifying news of the night before. Alcohol loosens a woman's morals and demotes her level of integrity. Personal values are highly interfered with.
In many cases of alleged sexual assault alcohol is mostly involved. Matters are worsened by the fact that many people have a perception of alcohol as an aphrodisiac. There is an intimate relationship between sex, women and alcohol in our society. Alcohol is perceived to be courage in a bottle or as many people put it "liquid courage." No wonder men who are out to have sex with new partners always prefer meeting the new catch in a boozing joint. Much as alcohol puts people in a loosened, relaxed mood to 'have fun', it has a negative and complicated sexual consequences. To avoid being a victim to rape or any sexual assault, avoid mixing different alcoholic drinks in a single sitting. Take one type of a drink at a time and save others for another day. Another big contribution to vulnerability is tendency to mix substances such as recreational and medication drugs with alcohol. This should be avoided.
Much of the research carried out on the effects of alcohol tend to lean more on physiological rather than social aspects. This has played a major role in the existing poor awareness of long term social sexual effects in our culture. Women who are married to alcohol are observed to have major difficulties maintaining a long term and serious relationships. They are mostly depressed and live in social isolation when they are not drinking. When trying to understand the relationship between women and alcohol, do not generalize the study because the sexual effect of alcohol on women is different from its sexual effects on men. Expectancy sexual effects of alcohol lead to the aroused behavior in most cases. Physical effects are present since the person taking alcohol anticipated them. You can still have the same results of excitement if you learn some self improvement skills.