Thursday, February 21, 2008

Organising Your Home And Office

If your office desk is in disarray and you can seldom find what you need, it is time to set up a system that works for you. These easy office organizing tips are just the first steps to achieving a functional office.

Choose a Filing System

Choosing and setting up a filing system are key ingredients to organizing your home office. One good way to start this process is by visiting an office supply store. There you will find a variety of components to use in your filing system. Filing cabinets which can be found in various sizes to fit most office spaces are the cornerstone to a good filing system. However, there are clear plastic containers, stacking baskets and plastic crates that also work very well to hold files, notebooks and other office paper.

Use In/Out Baskets

As you are opening your mail, put papers that require immediate attention in your in basket. The out basket is used for outgoing mail or for papers and documents that are to be filed. In/out baskets may be stacking baskets that sit on your desk or baskets that are mounted on the wall that free up the top of your desk. A container that is divided into two pockets and holds papers vertically rather than horizontally is also very functional.

Go Digital

One of the best ways to minimize paper is by storing information online. Your address book, bill paying, to-do lists, checkbook, and tax information are just a sampling of the many things you can store on your computer. Make sure you keep a backup of all your information in a safe place.

Make a rule that at the end of each day you will clear off your desk by putting papers in your in/out baskets or filing them in your file cabinet or other filing system so they are readily accessible.

To help keep your home organized, download a free copy of the ebook "The Essential Guide to Organizing Your Home". Download it free here: Organizing Tips.

Lynn Cressy has a love for decorating and shopping for home decor. She has a home decor web site and writes articles on home decorating and organizing your home and your life.